full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Vernā Myers: How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I know because I have some white friends in particular that will say, "You have no idea how awkward I am. Like, I don't think this is going to work for me. I'm sure I'm going to blow this." Okay, maybe, but this thing is not about perfection. It's about cnooetcinn. And you're not going to get comfortable before you get unfoartlbomce. I mean, you just have to do it. And yonug black men, what I'm saying is if someone comes your way, genuinely and authentically, take the invitation. Not everyone is out to get you. Go looking for those people who can see your humanity. You know, it's the empathy and the compassion that comes out of having relationships with plpoee who are different from you. Something really pwefuorl and beautiful happens: you start to realize that they are you, that they are part of you, that they are you in your family, and then we cease to be bystanders and we become actors, we become advocates, and we become allies. So go away from your comfort into a bigger, brighter thing, because that is how we will stop another Ferguson from hinpenapg. That's how we create a community where everybody, especially young black men, can tvihre.

Open Cloze

I know because I have some white friends in particular that will say, "You have no idea how awkward I am. Like, I don't think this is going to work for me. I'm sure I'm going to blow this." Okay, maybe, but this thing is not about perfection. It's about __________. And you're not going to get comfortable before you get _____________. I mean, you just have to do it. And _____ black men, what I'm saying is if someone comes your way, genuinely and authentically, take the invitation. Not everyone is out to get you. Go looking for those people who can see your humanity. You know, it's the empathy and the compassion that comes out of having relationships with ______ who are different from you. Something really ________ and beautiful happens: you start to realize that they are you, that they are part of you, that they are you in your family, and then we cease to be bystanders and we become actors, we become advocates, and we become allies. So go away from your comfort into a bigger, brighter thing, because that is how we will stop another Ferguson from _________. That's how we create a community where everybody, especially young black men, can ______.


  1. thrive
  2. powerful
  3. people
  4. happening
  5. young
  6. connection
  7. uncomfortable

Original Text

I know because I have some white friends in particular that will say, "You have no idea how awkward I am. Like, I don't think this is going to work for me. I'm sure I'm going to blow this." Okay, maybe, but this thing is not about perfection. It's about connection. And you're not going to get comfortable before you get uncomfortable. I mean, you just have to do it. And young black men, what I'm saying is if someone comes your way, genuinely and authentically, take the invitation. Not everyone is out to get you. Go looking for those people who can see your humanity. You know, it's the empathy and the compassion that comes out of having relationships with people who are different from you. Something really powerful and beautiful happens: you start to realize that they are you, that they are part of you, that they are you in your family, and then we cease to be bystanders and we become actors, we become advocates, and we become allies. So go away from your comfort into a bigger, brighter thing, because that is how we will stop another Ferguson from happening. That's how we create a community where everybody, especially young black men, can thrive.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
young black 12
black men 9
black guy 8
prefer white 3
white people 2
white person 2
test prefer 2
black people 2
color blindness 2
black guys 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
young black men 4
test prefer white 2

Important Words

  1. actors
  2. advocates
  3. allies
  4. authentically
  5. awkward
  6. beautiful
  7. bigger
  8. black
  9. blow
  10. brighter
  11. bystanders
  12. cease
  13. comfort
  14. comfortable
  15. community
  16. compassion
  17. connection
  18. create
  19. empathy
  20. family
  21. ferguson
  22. friends
  23. genuinely
  24. happening
  25. humanity
  26. idea
  27. invitation
  28. men
  29. part
  30. people
  31. perfection
  32. powerful
  33. realize
  34. relationships
  35. start
  36. stop
  37. thrive
  38. uncomfortable
  39. white
  40. work
  41. young